Sector Operations Bulletin No. 3
Non Interference Decree
290482-01 1200 GMT

The stars in this sector are under a Non-Interference Decree from Galactic Central - Grand Council. The stipulations of the decree are:

No interference is permitted in the zone known as Sector Nine until further notice.
This decree is to be enforced by the Galactic Patrol.
There shall be no use of atomic, chemical, or biological weapons in the zone
Travel to and from the zone is regulated and shall be subject to verification of intent and escort by the Patrol.
The technical and ethical experiment in progress by Sector Commander Elron Elray is not to be interfered with in any way whatsoever as it is extremely vital to the future of the Galaxy and its inhabitants.
The-Ethics Order by Commander Elray on the being Xenu, currently Joseph Strasburg, alias "Herr J." or "Mister J." of Germany/Switzerland banking circles, declaring him Suppressive, is to be enforced.
It is to be understood that this is a controlled and protected Sector until further notice.
Communications to and from Sector 9 shall be routed through Galactic Central-Ambassadorial Section - and final authority in cases of dispute shall be held by the Grand Council.
By order of the Grand Council
Galactic Central

Mship relay by order of
Sector Commander
Elron Elray